Geometric Blue and Yellow Abstract Acrylic Painting
by Beverly Claire Kaiya
Buy the Original Painting
21.000 x 29.700 x 0.100 cm.
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Geometric Blue and Yellow Abstract Acrylic Painting
Beverly Claire Kaiya
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas Board
An abstract painting in geometric shapes with paint textures in vivid hues of yellow and blue. This painting is a collection of contrasts. Enjoy the contrasting straight lines and curving, wavy brush strokes, the complementary hues of ultramarine blue and cadmium yellow, and the flat, even paint against thick impasto brush strokes. I hand-painted this piece with acrylic on canvas board. Makes a wonderful gift for anyone who likes contemporary, abstract works of art. (Important Note: The image on the product is a print of my original, hand-painted acrylic painting. The product itself is not painted by hand.)
January 29th, 2015
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